Think Different for Safer IT: Unleashing the Power of Sidney Dekker’s Safety Differently Principles


Safety has always been a crucial consideration in the IT industry, given the potential impact of technology failures on businesses and society. However, traditional approaches to safety in IT have often focused on minimizing risks and avoiding failures, rather than embracing opportunities for improvement and learning. This is where the concept of Safety Differently comes in, as a new way of thinking about safety that challenges the conventional wisdom and seeks to leverage the strengths and expertise of frontline workers. Developed by Sidney Dekker and his colleagues, Safety Differently emphasizes the importance of understanding what goes right in complex systems, rather than just what goes wrong. It also promotes a culture of learning and continuous improvement, where employees are encouraged to report and analyze incidents and near-misses, and to experiment with new ways of working. In this article, we will explore the principles of Safety Differently and its relevance to the IT industry, and discuss some of the potential benefits and challenges of adopting this approach.

Background on Safety Differently

The concept of Safety Differently has its roots in the human factors and systems thinking movements, which emerged in the 1960s and 1970s as a response to the growing complexity and interdependence of modern technology. Sidney Dekker, a prominent scholar in the field of safety and reliability engineering, has played a key role in developing and promoting the approach. In his book “Safety Differently: Human Factors for a New Era,” Dekker argues that the traditional approach to safety, which relies heavily on compliance, regulation, and control, is no longer sufficient in today’s fast-changing and uncertain world. Instead, he proposes a new paradigm that focuses on learning, adaptability, and resilience, and that recognizes the value of frontline workers and their knowledge of complex systems. Safety Differently also emphasizes the need to shift from a blame-based culture to a learning culture, where incidents and near-misses are seen as opportunities for improvement and innovation. Since its introduction, Safety Differently has gained traction in various industries, including healthcare, aviation, and nuclear power, and has been recognized as a promising approach to improving safety and performance outcomes.

Key Principles of Safety Differently

The principles of Safety Differently can be summarized as a set of key values and practices that challenge the traditional approach to safety and offer a new perspective on how to achieve safety and performance excellence. Here are some of the key principles of Safety Differently:

  1. Focus on what goes right: Safety Differently shifts the focus from failures and incidents to what goes right in complex systems. This means recognizing and learning from successful outcomes, as well as identifying and mitigating risks and hazards.
  2. Emphasize frontline expertise: Safety Differently values the expertise and knowledge of frontline workers, who are often best placed to understand the complexities and nuances of their work environment. This means involving them in safety decision-making, encouraging them to report incidents and near-misses, and supporting them in continuous learning and improvement.
  3. Promote a learning culture: Safety Differently fosters a culture of learning and experimentation, where employees are encouraged to share their experiences and insights, and to learn from each other. This means creating a safe space for reporting and discussing incidents, and supporting continuous improvement and innovation.
  4. Encourage systems thinking: Safety Differently encourages a holistic, systems-level approach to safety, where the focus is on understanding and improving the interactions and dependencies between different components and actors. This means recognizing the complex nature of IT systems and the need for collaboration and communication across different teams and departments.
  5. Embrace variability and adaptability: Safety Differently recognizes that variability and adaptability are essential features of complex systems, and that rigid rules and procedures may not always be effective in managing risk. This means empowering employees to make decisions and take action based on their local knowledge and context, while also providing them with the necessary support and resources.

By embracing these principles, organizations can create a more effective and resilient approach to safety in IT, one that recognizes the complexity and variability of modern systems and values the expertise and creativity of their employees.

Benefits of Safety Differently in IT

Adopting the principles of Safety Differently in the IT industry can bring a range of benefits, including:

  1. Improved safety performance: By focusing on what goes right and fostering a learning culture, Safety Differently can help organizations to identify and address risks and hazards more effectively, and to prevent incidents and accidents before they occur.
  2. Enhanced employee engagement: By valuing the expertise and knowledge of frontline workers and involving them in safety decision-making, Safety Differently can help to increase employee engagement and ownership of safety, and to foster a sense of teamwork and collaboration.
  3. Increased innovation and creativity: By encouraging experimentation and learning, Safety Differently can help to spark innovation and creativity, and to promote new ways of working that are safer and more efficient.
  4. Better decision-making: By promoting systems thinking and recognizing the interdependence of different components and actors, Safety Differently can help organizations to make more informed and effective decisions, and to avoid unintended consequences.
  5. Enhanced reputation: By adopting a proactive and transparent approach to safety, organizations can enhance their reputation and build trust with stakeholders, including customers, regulators, and employees.

Overall, the benefits of Safety Differently in IT are significant and can help organizations to achieve a safer, more efficient, and more resilient approach to technology management. By embracing this new paradigm, organizations can position themselves for success in an increasingly complex and uncertain digital landscape.

Challenges and Limitations

While the principles of Safety Differently offer a promising new approach to safety in IT, there are also several challenges and limitations that organizations should be aware of.

  1. Resistance to change: Safety Differently requires a fundamental shift in mindset and culture, and may face resistance from employees who are accustomed to a more traditional approach to safety.
  2. Lack of metrics: Safety Differently is still a relatively new concept, and there is a lack of established metrics and performance indicators to measure its effectiveness and ROI.
  3. Compliance requirements: While Safety Differently emphasizes learning and adaptation over compliance and control, organizations still need to comply with regulatory requirements and industry standards, which may pose challenges in implementing this new approach.
  4. Complexity of IT systems: IT systems are inherently complex and dynamic, and may pose unique challenges in applying the principles of Safety Differently. Ensuring that all stakeholders have a comprehensive understanding of the system’s architecture and functionality can be a major challenge.
  5. Incomplete implementation: Adopting Safety Differently requires a comprehensive and holistic approach, and organizations that only partially implement its principles may not see the desired benefits.

It is important for organizations to carefully consider these challenges and limitations when implementing Safety Differently in IT. By addressing these issues proactively and developing a comprehensive strategy for adoption, organizations can overcome these obstacles and achieve the full potential of this new approach to safety.


In conclusion, Safety Differently offers a new and innovative approach to safety in the IT industry, challenging the traditional approach to safety and emphasizing the importance of learning, collaboration, and adaptability. By adopting this new paradigm, organizations can improve safety performance, enhance employee engagement, promote innovation and creativity, and make more informed and effective decisions.

However, it is important to acknowledge the challenges and limitations of Safety Differently, including resistance to change, lack of established metrics, compliance requirements, complexity of IT systems, and incomplete implementation. Organizations must take a comprehensive and holistic approach to implementing Safety Differently, addressing these challenges proactively and developing a clear strategy for adoption.

Ultimately, Safety Differently represents a shift towards a more proactive, collaborative, and learning-oriented approach to safety in IT, one that recognizes the complexity and variability of modern systems and values the expertise and creativity of employees. By embracing this new approach, organizations can position themselves for success in a rapidly changing and increasingly complex digital landscape.

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